Friday, November 21, 2008

the adventure begins-again

After such an eventful week, I couldn’t have expected more adventure. But that was not the case on this Monday morning. The start was indeed as eventful as last week if not more. There was a lot to do yet again.

I began with a great session of applied theatre. Since there was so much to reflect on after last week, it was a very interesting session. There were so many instances which I could relate to the book. Later in the afternoon I went to the various dailies in town for the press releases. It was an adventurous and taxing session. Running around, it took me a lot of town to get the work done. We hope all goes on well. We are eagerly anticipating the press releases. It seriously was a task of patience.

Learning of the day: We all come into this world with certain objectives and missions; with a longing to do something from deep within. But most of us fail to recognise and harness it. We fail to get the thunder in our hooves.

Tuesday was another great day. My artistic talents came to the fore, talents which I never knew I possessed. I worked on the posters for advertisement of the Playback Theatre workshop. I went and got them printed and was more than just satisfied with the outcome of the day. There was so much to learn from the entire day. This included bargaining with the printing department at Staples. Something I’m just not good at. I was finally satisfied when I saw a few posters on the boards of the college. It was a great feeling. There will be an even better felling when enquiries begin to flow in regarding the workshops. Later in the evening, I visited the office of the Indian Express, as I could not send in the press release there on Monday evening.

Learning of the day: Mostly, we do not practice our highest gifts because we don’t know what they are. We never realise that if something comes naturally and easily to us, it is mostly a gift. We never nurture it or make room for it in our lives and which is why it all dies out after a certain point in time. The only way one can find the highest gift is by following the heart.

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