Friday, October 24, 2008

day 4 - a new beginning.

The fourth day of my internship was the finest so far. I enjoyed myself completely and I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. I began with reading the book as usual. I completed writing about what I had learned. Then I was told to look at the entire piece as if it was written by my enemy. Surprisingly I found several mistakes in the writing which I would have not found otherwise. Even more surprisingly, it took me as much time to just edit it as it took me to write it. I realised that there can be so much to do in life only if we have a clearer perspective of looking at things.

Then I ventured out with my camera and got a few good shots in greyscale of a workshop in progress. But the best had not come yet. A little after lunch, the same group was performing in the college auditorium with complete lights and sounds. This was my chance to get a few great shots, and I didn’t let this chance go so easily. I made sure by the end of it that it was one of the best photography sessions of my life. I will put up a few of those pictures along with this post.

The evening for me was the best part of the day. I went to watch the play Choon-Hyang which is based on a Korean folk story. It was staged at Ranga Shankara, Bangalore as a part of their tour of India. It was something like I had never seen before. If people call it sheer exuberance, I would say it is not word enough. I will be writing a review on the play and shall post that too in a couple of days time. This is how my day went. And I am certain that there will be very few better days than today was.

Moment of the day, “the wow I said as soon as the play ended.” It was amazing feeling to be there.

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