Monday, November 10, 2008

successful launch....cruising time.

After a good night’s sleep and good healthy homemade food, I felt in great shape to come to work today. Another Saturday was passing as I completed three weeks of my internship with Script Peoples Theatre. I felt great. I had done so much in such little time; it was just an amazing feeling.

I began with my reading session, and then I worked on the marketing strategy for the workshops and finished with my blog session for the day. It went smooth as ever. Like always I learnt a lot. But more than all of that, I have a feeling of success; tremendous amount of confidence has come into me as I can foresee myself 6 months from now. I can what I would be, I feel differently from what I always felt about myself. I find myself so busy that I do not realise how quickly time had passed by. In a month’s time from now, I would be independently conducting a workshop for thirty students of the twelfth standard. It is such an amazing feeling; all of a sudden life feels so much more exciting and fulfilling.

I feel successful because my ‘BIG DECISION’ paid off amazingly well and I feel great about it. I am looking forward to the many more weeks to come with Script Peoples Theatre.

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